Heroes & ambassadors
"Geyser was built to power and connect the heroes who are making Bitcoin adoption a reality." These Heroes are the creators who launch projects, the contributors who help fund them, and the Ambassadors (what we built) who spread the word about valuable initiatives
Heroes Hall of Fame
We created a Hall of Fame page where we feature the Top Projects and Heroes that are making Bitcoin adoption a reality. This page is like a dashboard, providing a one-glance view of all the recent and all time view of the top Projects and Heroes. You can also click 'See all' to view more of the Top Projects and Top Heroes in specific.

Ambassadors play an essential role: they spread the word about valuable Bitcoin initiatives. They earn recognition on the leaderboards whenever someone clicks and contributes on their "hero link".

The Hero link
Everyone get's a Hero link that they can use to share projects and spread the word about them.
When someone clicks on the "hero link" and contributes to a project, the Hero get's featured in the Ambassador leaderboard, both the Global and the Project Leaderboard.

Hero Card
Every Geyser user also gets their own Hero Card.
Whether you’ve created, contributed, or promoted, you’re a Hero in the Bitcoin movement. Your Hero Card showcases your ranking as a creator, contributor, and ambassador.
The purpose of these cards is to showcase the impact you've had on the Bitcoin ecosystem through Geyser. But this is just the beginning of these cards: there will be a lot more to them, as they are the canvas reflecting the actions and impact Bitcoiners are having in the world.

Better Profile Stats
The Profile now showcases your stats across the Hero categories: Contributor, Creator, Ambassador. They also show your ranking on Geyser, to show how impactful you fare across other Hero categories.

The Meme
Anyone can become an ambassador for Bitcoin by spreading the word about the great Bitcoin initiatives that are pushing for Bitcoin Adoption. You just need a Hero link! :)